Learning Center

What Should I Feed My Puppy?
Feeding your new purebred or designer puppy properly is essential to their health and well-being....

Beagles are Bundles of Enthusiasm
Beagles have always been famous as hunting dogs, particularly for hunting rabbits, due to their k...

Seven Great Reasons to Get a Puppy
All puppies are cute. They’re cuddly, fluffy, and adorably awkward. But beyond being perhaps the ...

Australian Shepherds: Brainy Go-Getters
Australian Shepherds are one of the most intelligent an...

Understanding Aussiedoodles
Considered a designer breed, the Aussiedoodle isn’t yet recogn...

Five Questions to Determine if You’re Ready for a Puppy
At Puppys R Us, we pride ourselves on matching families with puppies that are healthy, properly s...

Why Does My Puppy Stare at Me?
We all know it’s adorable when a puppy stares at us with those cute, wide eyes, but is there a me...

The Importance of Veterinarian Visits for Your Puppy
Routine veterinary checkups are an essential part of your puppy’s first year. Puppys R Us guarant...

What to Expect in Your New Puppy’s First Year
Your new puppy will bring joy and love into your home during his first year. He will also test yo...

Sharing Your Bed with Your Puppy: Pros and Cons
Dogs add so much to our lives, and when you get a puppy, it can be love at first sight. Once you’...

Signs Your Puppy May Not Feel Well
Having a new puppy in your home is an exciting adventure for the whole family. During the first f...

Small, Medium, or Large? Choosing the Right Size Dog Breed
There are dozens of things you need to consider when choosing the perfect puppy for your family, ...

Holiday Car Travel Tips for Road Tripping with Your Dog
Whether you’re going “over the river and through the woods” to Grandmother’s house for Thanksgivi...

Tips for Protecting Your Pets this Holiday Season
The holidays are upon us, and you’re probably planning to enjoy several weeks of shopping, partie...